Gynaecomastia in Islamabad | Male Breast Reduction Surgery

+92 307-5840001

Gynaecomastia in Islamabad & Rawalpindi


Have you or loved one developed Gynaecomastia? Get your male breast reduction surgery from us now!

Gynaecomastia is the embarrassing enlargement of male breast tissue, including the glandular tissue and excess fat. It is often referred to as Man Boobs, the correct medical terminology for this condition is “Pseudo-Gynaecomastia”.

Traditionally, it used be treated with open surgery including a cut around the areola or in the sub-mammary fold. But it left 50 mm (2 inch) long permanent scars on each side. We now offer treatment of Man-Boobs with Minimally Invasive Liposuction surgery, which just requires one skin hole of about 4mm (1/4 inch) size, to dissolve and suck out the fat and gland on each side, thus restoring the normal size and shape of breasts in Men.

True Gynaecomastia:

It appears as a rubbery or firm mass that starts from underneath the nipple and then spreads outwards over the breast area. It is not cancerous. Usually it is enlargement primarily of glandular tissue, not fat tissue, and remains limited as a slightly tender nodule (like a flat button) under the nipple and areola. This is called “True Gynaecomastia”.


It is this embarrassing condition for which most young men contact the Cosmetic Surgeon. This occurs in persistent and long standing cases where the whole breast enlarges and takes the shape of Man-Boobs. In these patients, it is the element of fat which increases much beyond normal, and becomes the predominant tissue. This is called “Pseudo-Gynaecomastia”.

Detailed Medical Info:

More than half of male infants are born with enlarged breasts due to the effects of their mother's estrogen. Generally, the swollen breast tissue goes away within two to three weeks after birth.

Gynecomastia is caused by hormone changes during puberty and is relatively common. Usually this takes the form of “True gynecomastia” i.e. an enlargement of the male breast gland (like a flat button or nodule under the nipple and areola). Basic cause is a hormonal imbalance, when the balance shifts, with an increase in estrogen or decrease in androgens (Testosterone). This can occur because of expected hormonal changes during puberty or aging or because of the use of certain drugs or herbal products. The buds may last up to 2 years, but they tend to go away within the first year.

Generally, gynecomastia isn't a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with the condition. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have pain in these nodules and may feel embarrassed.

It may go away on its own or may increase to take the form of Enlarged Breasts or Man-Boobs and may persist into late teens or early twenties. This appearance of enlarged breasts is ascribed to “pseudo-gynecomastia” or Man-Boobs, which is a symptom of excess fat which deposits on the chest. Once this persistent increase in breast size due to excess fat has taken place, then Cosmetic Surgery is the only solution to the problem, although occasionally medical treatment may also be required in recurrent cases.

Treatment Options:

Cosmetic Surgery for True-Gynaecomastia is usually not required. However, Enlarged Male Breasts (Pseudo-Gynaecomastia) with fat tissue always require some form of Male Breast Reduction Surgery.


Nowadays, the latest treatment option is Liposuction, which is the most effective known treatment for pseudo-gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. It has the big advantage that it is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedure which removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest, but requires only one or two small skin holes to perform the whole surgery and usually heals within one week without the need for stitches. With the advent of powered Liposuction the skin holes are smaller and the removal of gland and fat is more thorough with pleasing aesthetic results that look absolutely normal, without any scarring.


It can be done with the Old/ Orthodox Open Technique, which comprises of an incision around the areola or in the sub-mammary fold and excision of the whole breast tissue from under the skin. This requires stitches afterwards and takes around three weeks to heal. This type of surgery leaves about 50 mm (2 inch) long permanent scars on each side.


In Grown Men, Pseudo-Gynaecomastia may develop due to long term use of certain medicines or herbs. Some examples of medicines whose chronic use may lead to enlarged Breasts in Men, are given below:-

These patients require both Liposuction and medical treatment. If you are looking for gynecomastia in Islamabad also known as male breast reduction surgery or man boobs, Pakistan and searching for best cosmtic surgeon then talk to Dr. Nadeem Umar'sfirst.

Call us today to schedule your consultation for some of the finest gynaecomastia in Islamabad and Rawalpindi have to offer from gynaecomastia surgeon in Islamabad, Dr. Nadeem Umar.

Call Us Now! +92 307-5840001 or Click here to Contact Us Today!