Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Islamabad | Abdominoplasty

+92 307-5840001

Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Islamabad - (Abdominoplasty)


Are you unhappy with your tummy after pregnancy or weight loss? Feel confident after abdominoplasty with an experienced tummy tuck surgeon in Islamabad, Dr. Nadeem Umar.

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is an operation to remove extra skin or fat from the front of your abdomen. Tummy Tuck is very popular in men who have loose layers of skin and fatty tissue around the abdomen, often caused by weight loss. Tummy Tuck procedure is also famous with new mothers who would like to fully recover from the effects of childbirth on their bodies.


Extra fat on your body would not tighten up on its own. Exercise and weight loss are great, however, if your skin has been grown to stretch over a bulk that you no longer want to have, it would not shrink. A tummy tuck will remove all of your extra skin, its helps you to achieve a slimmer profile and great confidence. Tummy tuck procedure is tailored to your individual needs, its main objective is to improve body contours, tightening muscles, reducing stretch marks, and remove scars after procedure.

What is the Procedure of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

TummTuck Surgery is taking up to three hours, varying from patient to patient and also depending upon the extent of the operation. A tummy tuck operation involves cuts above your bikini line and removing the belly button from surrounding skin. Stretched muscles are pulled together and stitched. Excess fat will be removed and belly button repositioned. Cuts are closed with stitches and your lower abdomen is strapped firmly with bandages.

What to expect after Surgery?

After the surgery patient will have to stay at doctor clinic between one to three days. Patient will need rest until the effects of the anaesthetic have passed. Tummy Tuck Surgeon will have given pain killers and information about how to care. Stitches will be removed after one to two weeks and after 10 to 12 days you may start normal activities.

Call us today to schedule your consultation for some of the finest tummy tuck in Islamabad and Rawalpindi have to offer from tummy tuck surgeon in Islamabad, Dr. Nadeem Umar.

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